Saturday, December 18, 2010

What's done, what's not done...

Ever heard of the saying: "Biting off more than you can chew"? Well, I think we have almost put that old idiom into practice with this new area. But all the beds are finally finished and filled with good manure and compost.

We have even begun to plant them up. The fist bed is growing corn, the second tomatoes, the third marrows. We planted potatoes in the 4th bed on Thursday.

Superman and Son made the last two raised beds which are going to have a variety of plants. I am thinking of marigolds as a border, cucumbers climbing up the tripod, tomatoes around the rest fo the bed.

The pond needs attention...we have had some dragon flies visting there much to our delight and I have been reading up on what oxygenating plants we can put in the pond. Today I am scouring my container garden to see what I can plant as a border around the pond too.

We have to transplant the strawberries from the ground to baskets along the wall. The wall is very barren and there is no reason why we should use up ground space when the strawberries grow very well in baskets.

There is also a fig and avo tree to be planted...somewhere! Well, I suppose I had better get off my computer and go and get started....


Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

I love the colour you have painted the walls Wendy. New garden looks very nice so far. and those towers for the beans are great.

Urban Homestead South Africa said...

Thanks! We painted the walls years ago with Forest Green. My mom always had green walls, it's better for light in the garden thank white.