Saturday, April 4, 2009

Potato Harvest

I think there is something special about growing potatoes and other root crops...maybe its the surprise factor...I mean you can see your tomatoes above ground and things like peas, squash and beans...but with potatoes they are down there in the soil just growing and growing.

This week we harvested one row of potatoes and were very excited to have a bucket full of them from 5 plants....

This is what they looked like on the surface after about 3.5 months after planting.

We dug down from the stem of the plant, had to dig deep and wide....

David found some "friendlies"....

This is how many we got from 5 plants....

He took it upon himself to clean them for me....

All ready for dinner...and I must just say, the flavour was unbeatable!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We planted our potatoes a few weeks ago. I didn't know that potatoes didn't sprout above ground! Now I feel better about not seeing any sign of the potatoes we planted above ground. I love your green ideas. You may have added a few to my stockpile, lol.