Potatoes were banked, but the bed needs new sides then we can add more soil until just the tippy top leaves stick out.
Lucky, the potato dog, decided to check the bed for any last spuds before we planted it up with transplanted seedling.
The bees have done their job and all our boysenberries have set their fruit.
Tomatoes were trimmed and staked.
The potato planters that were started at the end of August are growing so well. Hope this experiment works!
Asparagus in its full glory all frondy and waving in the wind.
When we let the chickens out we have to cover our newly planted beds to protect new seedlings.
Littlest one dug out these self seeded (from compost) squash and tomato plants which were transplanted. Some of our best tomatoes and butternuts came from self seeded plants last year.
Granadilla is in bloom.
Once littlest one had moved the above seedlings he turned the bed and planted out the last corn with me. The chickens are so funny because they have figured out that as soon as we start digging they can feast with little work on their behalf!
A good day in the garden. What's up in yours?
It is all looking pretty lush at your place. I love your rustic trellises...I am going to have a go at some like that.
The garden's looking great, Wendy. I can't get over your asparagus! Here we have one, lonely fat spear. A whole bed of it would really be something to admire! ;)
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