Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why I Love Sunday {& the rest of the week}

A while back I decided that Sundays were going to be my day of rest...this really meant that I would not get into my car to go anywhere or do anything. When I got back from the UK things were a bit off balance and the week ran into my Sundays, but here I sit today knowing that there is nothing that I cannot fit into next week and I can simply do what I want. Since our church group does not meet on Sunday, but rather on Tuesday, Sunday stretches out in front of me promising me a day to enjoy at home.

Finished the first dishcloth this week, started the second.
Half of my family is watching the MotoGP, others are watching "Danny Champion of the World". I am here in my comfy tracksuit, with a cup of freshly brewed coffee, Casting Crowns playing in the background. Today we rolled out of bed at 8.30 and while Superman took Big White Dog for his walk I made breakfast. Then I cleaned out my linen basket and released more clutter to be sent to the charity shop. Beef stock that cooked slowly overnight needed to be decanted, sour dough started, sprouts put on to soak, lunch made and house tidied. All these things bring me joy as I can savour my homemaking without feeling the need to rush off to something.

Sour dough starter...after 6 weeks of almost no bread, I can already feel my body gearing to enjoy this.
There was a stage earlier in my life when I packed so much into my life that was not necessary. As I matured as a mom I began to realize that I do not have to do everything that is on offer for the children to be "well rounded" and I certainly did not need to learn everything I wanted to now. I started to embrace seasonal living...the season of young children where most of the day is around them, their food, sleeps, diapers and education. The most important lesson in this time: Children need love and routine, everything else can wait.

Broad beans planted this week. Last bed of 3.
The next season was when all 4 of my children were being homeschooled and my curriculum supply company took off. Life stepped up a notch as I juggled the multiple grades, resistance at seat work times, learning difficulties, at the same time as trying to meet the needs of other homeschooling parents. Major lessons learned: patience, pacing myself, routine, organization.

Turnips planted last week are saying hello!
Now I am in the season of older children, 3 teens and a 10yr old. They are all able to see themselves through their basic daily needs and while homeschooling is much more intense in the highschool years and their sport and music sometimes only finishes at 7pm there is a sense of we work hard Mon-Fri and the weekends are for down time. My eldest still has tutoring on Saturdays, but I take along my little laptop and work on my websites while I wait. From 12 noon on a Saturday we all start to wind down as the business of the week comes to an end.  

Now is the season for me to pick up interests and learn skills that do not take me out of my home, but allow me to expand on my homemaking, gardening or cooking proficiency.

And then comes Sunday. I used to call it my Sabbath, but I now believe that my Sabbath rest is daily in my Lord as we walk through this season of life together. But Sunday...aaah...Sunday.

Here are two recipes we enjoyed this week:  

Stuffed Roast Peppers:
Cut as many peppers as you need for your family - 1 pepper does 2 people. I like to cut them vertically so that they can lie like boats and not topple over whilst cooking. Lay them on a lightly oiled baking sheet.
Gently toast 2 pkts of pinenuts on a low heat. Grate about 6 small or 1 large zucchini/marrow.You could use rice instead of the pinenuts or a combination of both.
Slowly fry some red onion and garlic. Mix this into the other ingredients. I added one beaten egg but it wasn't necessary. Add alt and pepper to your taste then spoon into your peppers.
Roast then for about 20 minutes on 180 deg C. Remove from the oven and cover with any grated cheese...I used Haloumi strips as that was all I had. Allow to cook for another 10 minutes.
I served this with sirloin steaks and mushroom sauce. Was yummy!  

Spicy Mango Salad:
Cube 2 ripe mangoes. Add one finely chopped red onion, a generous bunch of fresh coriander and 1 finely deseeded red chilli.
This mango salad I served with Tandoori Chicken and roast sweet potatoes. I also made a fresh coriander and cream cheese topping for the sweet potatoes.


Lois Evensen said...

Ah, yes, I love Sundays, too. :) I do realize, though, after seeing all the good food on your blog, that I need to go make something for us all to eat. ;)

Reginas Cottage said...

i love sundays,too.your sourdough looks wonderful.i have no luck with my sourdough. i love all your photos!!!
have a nice sunday,
greetings from germany.

Mandy said...

Hello, love your blog, thanks for all the delicious looking food and inspiration. How did you find the low carb diet as a family? We have also been trying it, and while we feel good, do we want to do this forever? I don't know! Would love to know what you thought of it, how the family felt, the expense, or not, and if you've gone off it, why? Thanks. Mandy.

Shirley Ann said...

Hi Wendy, I didn't know that Scotland's national flower was the Bluebell! How interesting. I wish I had known that you were coming to the UK - it would have been great to have a cup of tea together! The D's are set to arrive at our place on the 14th. We are all so excited! I plan to take LOADS of pics ;o) We are planning a trip up to Ambleside and to Hilltop Farm. I hope we have great weather! We have had lots of grey cloudy/rainy days.

A friend introduced me to the 'Herman Cake'. Have you heard of it? It is a sour dough cake of German origin and takes 10 days of 'feeding and stirring'. Rather a long process for a cake but it is the most delicious cake I have tasted! Well worth the 10 day process.

X Shirley

Urban Homestead South Africa said...

Hi Mandy

I am really not a pro on low carb eating but will happily share my thoughts. Let me just gather them and will do a post in the near future.

Shirley, I hope you all have a fab time together! Never heard about the cake before :)