1.5 cups apple cider vinegar
2 cups chopped tart apples
3 cups chopped apricots
3 cups boiling water
2 cups chopped onions
2 cups sugar (1 brown/1 white)
4 cloves crushed garlic
0.5 cup raisins
2 T chopped ginger
Bring to the boil for 30 mins then add:
2tsp mustard seeds
1.5 tsp ground cinnamon & allspice
1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
0.5 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cayene pepper
Boil gently until it all thickens (about another 30mins) then pour into sterilized jars. I then boiled the jars in my canning pot for 10 minutes. On cooling the lids should "pop" to form the vaccuum seal.
And I also made some fresh apricot ice cream.
I am entering my chutney in Heidi Marie's baking challenge.
Awesome! :) We got a whole bunch of apricots from our farm, too. We made apricot puree, apricot jam, apricot pies, apricot muffins etc. Plus we also ate a whole bunch of them as well as cooking and baking with them. :D
Lots of love
Tane ♥
Ooh, apricot ice-cream sounds very tempting, Wendy! I'm lusting after some apricots at the moment, more so after reading your post. I'd love to make a batch of boozy jam and try bottling some in syrup. Enjoy your bounty! :)
How wonderful! We just picked about 15 apricots from our tree! I would love to make this recipe, thanks for sharing Wendy!
Fabulous! Wow it looks really really good! Yummy!!! :))
Perrin xxx
That all looks wonderful! We love apricots here. I will have to make the ice cream one of these years. Hmmm. That might be fun for the Christmas dinner.... :))
Dear Aunty Wendy
Thank you so much for entering my fortnightly baking fun challenge!
Your Chutney looks really good. Looks like you had lots of fun with apricots!
Have a blessed week
Lots of love
We are stating our apricot jam and chutney making today!!
I am in the same orange land of apricot! Have done 2 loads of jam, 2 differnt chutneys, ice-cream, 2 batches of cordial, a cake and still have a crate in the cool-room! And this after giving away a mountain. This is the kind of predicament I love!
Could you share the recipe for your ice-cream? Mine was not very good...
Hi Sally
The recipe comes from a book called Perfect Scoop which a friend recommended. It is simply 450g really ripe apricots (pitted and chopped)
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
which you boil up for 8 minutes then blend with a stick blender.
Cool and then stir in 1cup heavy cream.
Chill completely, then add to your frozen icecream bowl and churn until frozen.
I think it will be divine in meringue baskets with toasted flaked almonds over it...?
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