With a veggie garden comes the predictable work of composting, sowing and watering. Then the growing, nuturing and the harvesting. We have been away over the long weekend enjoying time with Superman's parents and friends. We came home to a giant marrow which was a lovely surprise as we brough home 5 extra people with hungry tummies and veggies stretched out meals!
When our house guests left we had a chance to attend to the gardens....this is some of what we did:
Weeded one of the 4 areas, picked a colander of beans and lots of spinach. Then we cut off the Brussell Sprouts (yes there are two girls in there).

Our carrots have grown beautifully and straight...last year we were given the tip to grow then straight after harvesting brassicas. I looked at this sandy soil with no added compost and was doubtful....but here they are - so gorgeous. Our youngest visitor had great delight in finding them and pulling them up one evening, so we have now been harvesting some each evening or just for a snack.

Our butternuts have formed fruit and while there have been some bees and bugs in the flowers, I haven't left pollination to chance and have hand pollinated what I can.

My lavender needed a hard cutting back so this is now drying and I plan to make some Amish "headache pillows" with it as well as some little pouches to put in clothes cupboards.

Our chilli bushes are heavy with ripe chillies...time to get a-pickling.

Goodness, you have been busy. We are busy here, too, but doing much "colder" things. We've been carrying firewood to keep the fire going to keep the house warm and toasty as we wrap Christmas presents. :)
Merry Christmas!
wow Wendy your garden is looking yummy, mine is a little slow this time of year but the glut of tomatoes will soon be on me.
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