Isn't this wonderful? We can see them at the feeder, hiding under the leaves of marrow plants, sitting on our trellis and this pair of pigeons were next to the pond as happy as can be.

Today we finished planting up the new bed...I have lavender at the back, chammomile in the front, a rose geranium between the Avo and the pond and some shorter lifespan coriander in between. I also planted 2 tansy plants. Can wait to watch them grow!
Your blog inspires me.
Such good news Wendy, so glad to know they are back.
How lovely! It is so much fun to see the wildlife come and live in our gardens.
I have Tansy growing in my garden too.
How do you use this herb? I only know that it is good for bug control and I love the look and I actually like the smell of it.
Supermom, I will do a post on tansy on my herb blog so wander over there soon to read it.
But for now it's there to attract beneficial garden insects.
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