I don't like to eat bread everyday so I have a few alternatives to fill tummies quickly.
My chickens have also figured out that spring has come and with the longer sunlight hours are picking up their laying. Spring onions are looking good and I need to start using them to make space for my Autum plantings in a couple of months. The herb tower has exploded and the celery I planted in there is ready for use.
So here is what we had for lunch today:
Not so ordinary potato salad
Boil baby potatoes til soft, cool and halve. Sprinkle with salt and ground black pepper.
Mix together 1 cup plain yoghurt with 1/4 cup light mayo
Add 2 teaspoons whole grain msutard.
Chop up a handful or spring onions (chives also work well) and 2 stalks of celery.
Mix together and enjoy.
Chickpea & Chili salad
Open and drain a can of chickpeas. Add a generous splash or 6 of olive oil and the juice of 1 lemon (or lime).
Chop up lots of fresh coriander and one red chili.
Mix together and enjoy!
Sunshine eggs.
Yummy and nutritious and pretty, too. :)
Now that's my kind of food. I can so relate to the 'crunch time' feeling.
Yum, yum, yum! It all looks delicous, Wendy. Your potato salad would be a winner in our house! It won't be long before we can start pulling a few from the ground... :)
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