Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hit the road running!

Well, we're back and life is chasing us full steam ahead. Our last week in England was wonderful with shows, museums and good food. We spent the last day before our flight with my sister and enjoyed a great lunch and more time with her elder son.

Visting Stonehenge

A trip to Camden Town markets

A visit to Bath

The flight was long and quite painfully awful! But at that stage we were willing to do anything to just get home. All in all the London Experience has been fantastic and a great time of memories for both of us.

On the homefront Superman and Mum did a marvellous job and more. My mum has done a sterling job in the garden. Together, with my son, they also created a chicken proof patch for all our strawberries that we propogated from the ones in baskets.

Despite their best efforts at eating our peas and beans over the last two weeks, there are still tons! Last evening I picked a huge basket of broad beans which were eaten for dinner, besides for the really large ones which I will dry and use for next years sowing.

Today, I pulled out the spent broad bean stalks and pea plants and planted corn. I am planning on planting out our strawberries this week but for the rest of today, I think I am going to just blob!


Chris said...

Welcome back, Wendy. Lovely to read of your travels and see your pics. :)

Lois Evensen said...

Welcome home! I'm glad you so enjoyed your trip. I enjoy all of your images and perhaps there will be more from your journey. :)