Sunday, December 19, 2010

Making your own...

For me, a large part of this "green" journey was training myself not to run to the shops for a meal, but to rather look at the raw materials I have in my cupboard and make my own. For the last three years I have been getting closer and closer to my goal but every now and again I do trip up and fall into old habits again.

But that's ok too, because I know that I will soon get myself on track again and I don't beat myself up too much. If I look back over these last years I am happy with where we have got too, I know there is still so much to learn and master, but I am really into babysteps so I have a list of things I work through.

Some of these things are easy for me - like learning a new recipe of something I like in a shop or resturant. Others are harder for me - these are mindshifts I need to make. I have to think certain things "to-death" before they become part of my life.

One recipe that I have mastered recently is pickled fish. My daughters, Superman and I all love it but I don't like the tinned kind and the Woolworths brand is crazily expensive for a tiny container enough for 1.

Here is my pickled fish recipe:
3kg white firm fish (I use fresh hake)
Oil to fry

Coat the fish in milk then in flour. Fry until golden brown and cooked through. Set to drain on wax paper/kitchen towel.

6 onions, sliced
30ml fish masala
5ml tumeric
1ml cloves
1ml nutmeg
10ml cornflour
5ml brown sugar
6 bay leaves
1 small chilli, chopped
salt to taste
6 black pepper corns
1 small pieve of lemon peel
350ml cider vinegar
250ml water

Fry onions, add spices, add vinegar and water. Cook for 20 mins.

Place fish in wide shallow dishes if you will use it soon (1 week) or put it into sterilized canning jars. Pour the sauce over.
Store in the fridge for 2 days before eating with fresh bread. Very delicous.


Lois Evensen said...

Very interesting recipe. At first I didn't think I would want to make it, but read through it anyway. After reading, it looks so good!

Urban Homestead South Africa said...

Hi Lois, it's a traditional Cape Malay recipe and it is worth the taste test!