This is our loosely designed area where all my squash are growing. Right in the top bed we have some chilli varieties with pumpkins on the trellis behind. The next bed holds my "Moon & Stars" watermelon. Behind it we have some beans.
Then I have two beds of courgettes in different stages of maturity. The closer ones already have flowers and marrows growing. In the foreground we have our last cabbage and cauliflowers and some Swiss Chard that is still going strong. Against the wall we have 2 trellises of Ashley Cucumbers. There is one trellis left which is out of the photo which we plan to grow loofahs on.
Our beans on the A-frames are growing so well. Even though the frames are 1m+ high, I think they will grow over that.
These ones in the picture above are my Boreltti Fire Tongue beans...can't wait!
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