Last evening I took the last pods off our plants. They have only a few flowers left. We never planted enough to freeze for Summer, but mainly ate them as undeveloped pods in salads.
One of the mistakes I made last year was to try to grow all sorts of vegetables, but this year I have changed my approach to grow LOTS of what we eat and like. So while I do have a few brinjals, and beets and other smaller crops, we are rather going to be focussing on the "big ticket" crops.
Next winter I will aim to plant at least the front half of all 6 beds up with peas. This spring we are planting all the back beds with corn in 2 - 3 week spaces between planting, and all the front beds with potatoes with the same time intervals.
After the potatoes and corn are harvested at the end of winter and autumn we will sow the peas. I will have to feed the soil where the corn grew and plant my broccoli , cauli and cabbages there.
A much more simple plan, but I think one that will yield the most for our freezer.
I understand what you mean about planting the things you are going to eat most. We are going to reconfigure for next year also. We took up alot of space planting things that we were not really interested in. Next year will be different
I love your blog and your vegetables!They look so healthy!
I miss my garden! On retirement, I sold my 'retirement investment' cottage & have moved into a bachelor unit on the 5th floor on the KZN South Coast. It is way too windy for growing veg on the roof (been there, tried that!) but 'n boer maak 'n plan, and I do grow herbs on my enclosed balcony : rosemary, basil, parsley (both kinds), rocket + one large aloe vera brought from 'home'. I'm new to your site, but will visit often! Blessings, Corinne Winson
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